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G S Bobroff

Gary S. Bobroff, MA


Gary S. Bobroff, M.A.

Gary S. Bobroff is the founder of Jungian Online and JUNG Archademy – featuring personal growth live video courses. He completed a Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy at the University of British Columbia, Canada and a Master’s degree in Jungian-oriented Counselling Psychology at Pacifica Graduate Institute. Gary speaks and gives seminars internationally and is the author of the Jungian psychology best seller: Knowledge in a Nutshell: Carl Jung (London: Arcturus Books 2020). 

He is the developer and facilitator of Archetypal Nature and author of Crop Circles, Jung & the Reemergence of the Archetypal Feminine (2014, North Atlantic Books).  He is a certified administrator of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. 

He was interviewed for Pythia Peay's America on the Couch: Psychological Perspectives on American Politics and Culture (2015) and for Loris Simon’s Ensoulment: Exploring the Feminine Principle in Western Culture (2017) and for the film TIME IS ART: Synchronicity and the Collective Dream (2015).

In 2014, he envisioned and produced the SYNCHRONICITY: Matter & Psyche Symposium in Joshua Tree, CA, which featured Rupert Sheldrake, Graham Hancock, Richard Tarnas, Jill Purce, Stephen Aizenstat, Marilyn Schlitz, Dr. Jim B. Tucker and more. 


The vision of the JUNG Archademy is to provide accessible online live and video courses which apply Jungian psychological principles to our everyday life. Over the years ahead we look forward to presenting you with programs that offer insight and inspire us to look for purposive answers to the challenges and opportunities that we face.


Gary is the founder of Jungian Online – connecting clients with Jungian analysts and Jungian-oriented therapists since 2011 to work via live video - see more here.

Five Ways Jung led us to the Inner Life - on The Mind Unleashed



Gary is the developer and lead facilitator of Archetypal Nature - a modern presentation of a pair of primary binary oppositions in human personality first observed by Toni Wolff.  It highlights:

  • Pathways through which we find fulfillment

  • Differing eternal stories of identity

  • A prism of family and social roles

  • A portal for generational healing

In recognizing these differing paths, we project less: we no longer imagine that everyone wants the same things that we do and we become better able give others what they really want.

Gary works through Archetypal Coaching—identifying our deepest nature, who we are, what satisfies us and what brings us greatest fulfillment.  This work also helps you to pull back the projections that you have on others and come to see them for who they really are; doing so enables us to give them what they really want.  Gary uses Archetypal Nature with organizations to improve their team dynamics and grow their market.


Gary's first book, Crop Circles, Jung & the Reemergence of the Archetypal Femininewas published by North Atlantic Books in August 2014.  It is distributed by Random House . 

"An original masterpiece!" – Andrew Harvey

“A tremendous achievement! Clear, lucid, and comprehensive!” — Anne Baring

“Penetrating insights into one of the most puzzling phenomena of our time.” — Larry Dossey, MD

"One of the most original and valid approaches to the crop circles that I have read for a long time." – Andy Thomas